Sunday, May 3, 2020

Throwback Match Reviews: Don Kernodle/Sgt. Slaughter vs Jay Youngblood/Ricky Steamboat (Mid-Atlantic) 03/12/1983

Don Kernodle & Sgt. Slaughter vs Jay Youngblood & Ricky Steamboat (Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling) 03/12/1983

This was a great tag team war for the world tag team titles in a cage match. The stakes were high as it was a title match and the Steamboat/Youngblood team was on the line. The struggle to get the upper hand was great. Youngblood doing everything he can to survive his opponents viscous attack was great and the crowd shrieked every time he reversed or fought back. That eventually led into a Kernodle/Slaughter control period that was brutal. They beat them and bloodied them. It was very entertaining. The hot tags in this match were molten. Steamboat and Youngblood’s comebacks were incredible. The lariats that were thrown in this match by both teams looked viscous. Everything piece of offense looked like death. 

The structure of this match was conceptually good but wasn’t well executed. The first third of the match was very slow and could have easily had parts cut out. Nothing really happened. If that was reduced the match would have flowed smoothly from the back and forth exchanges to the heel control period to the babyface comeback to the finish. It stopped this match from being an all time classic to being just a great match.

Final Rating - ****

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