Sunday, April 5, 2020

Throwback Match Reviews: Dynamite Kid vs Tiger Mask III

Dynamite Kid vs Tiger Mask III (NJPW) 01/28/1982

This match furthered the feud between the two wrestlers. In a match that I watched but did not review Tiger Mask defeated Kid for the WWF Junior Heavyweight Title. Tiger Mask was defending the title here against Kid as well. A lot of this match mirrored their earlier bouts but was done so in order to provide some well placed callbacks rather than lazily rehashing past moves. The difference in this match than in previous matches is that Kid was much more prepared for Tiger Mask’s flurry of offense. He also did not get frustrated as Tiger Mask began to escape and reverse everything he threw at him. This was vital in showing Kid’s growth as a person and as a performer. He was more calm and more focused than before. Tiger Mask also showed a new aspect to his game as he slowed down and wore Kid down with some holds. That is also important in keeping up with Kid’s growth. 

As always the technical aspect of the match between these two was great. Kid did a great job selling and Tiger Mask’s offense looked amazing. The hot crowd also helped this match. This match’s main purpose was to introduce these new moves to each wrestlers’ moveset and to show the personal growth of each guy. The finish of the match supports this as it was basically the same finish as their first match with Tiger Mask winning in a quick fashion. It prepares the audience for the next phase in this rivalry.

Final Rating - ****

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