Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Throwback Match Reviews: Dynamite Kid vs Tiger Mask (08/05/1982)

Dynamite Kid vs Tiger Mask (NJPW) 08/05/1982

This was a great match between Tiger Mask and Dynamite Kid. It started out extremely hot with both wrestlers going at each other with quick moves. It was a continuation of a match they had a couple weeks prior. The pace of this match was pretty insane. It was a 16 minute match that felt half of that length. The match had great flow as they transitioned seamlessly into each other’s control periods. 

Unlike their other matches this one was built around both of their offensive movesets rather than Tiger Mask’s offense and Dynamite Kid’s defense. Other matches were built around Dynamite Kid trying to escape Tiger Mask’s holds and reverse his offense. Dynamite Kid kept progressing with each match to learn and overcome Tiger Mask’s offense. Tiger Mask also continued to grow by adding new moves to his repertoire. He was always a step ahead of Dynamite Kid. This match took that dynamic to the next step. They were on a more level playing field here. Dynamite not only had Tiger Mask’s moves scouted but also had a deeper level of focus and composure. Kid took more of the match than he had previously done before. The match exceeds because it develops both wrestlers to a higher level. Dynamite Kid is now on Tiger Mask’s level and Tiger Mask still shows he can continue to evolve by still being able to beat Dynamite Kid.

The main reason this match is great is because it serves as a major transition in this feud. They evolve from their old dynamic and a new one has taken its place. They are able to communicate this solely through the structure of the match and the actual wrestling.

Final Rating - ****½

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