Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Throwback Match Reviews: Dynamite Kid vs Tatsumi Fujinami II

Dynamite Kid vs Tatsumi Fujinami (NJPW) 2/5/1980

A follow up to their match in Stampede and it exceeded expectations. This picked up where that match left off with the intensity and hatred between both wrestlers. Fujinami had a cut above his eye and the match was worked around it. Kid viscously went after that cut with punches and knees. If there’s one word to describe this match it’s explosive. Whether it was Kid’s offense or Fujinami’s comebacks everything was done with intensity and urgency. Fujinami getting busted open adds to the drama and to the brutality of the match. As the match progresses Fujinami begins to out-wrestle Kid because Kid begins to get more and more frustrated that Fujinami is surviving his attacks. This was all simple but brilliant and led to the finish. Fujinami rolls Kid up for a win. The way Kid sold the defeat after the match exemplified his frustration from early in the match. Also the crowd was very hot the entire way, especially for Fujinami’s comeback spots and hope spots.

Final Rating - ****¼

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