Monday, March 30, 2020

Throwback Match Reviews: Dynamite Kid vs Tiger Mask

Dynamite Kid vs Tiger Mask (NJPW) 04/23/1981

This is the first match in this legendary series. The early exchanges in the match were well executed. A mixture of uppercuts, chops, kicks and some violent snapmares by both men all helped set the pace of the match. Tiger Mask was very impressive early on. His offense was quick but brutal at the same time. This was enhanced by Kid’s selling. The bumps that he took and the expressions on his face of anguish and surprise really sold the story of the match. Dynamite Kid continued to grow angrier, frustrated and annoyed by Tiger Mask’s offense. Kid tried to slow him down with some holds but Tiger Mask would counter or escape with ease. Kid’s frustration really showed when he resorted to underhanded tactics like feigning injury to get out of tight situations or taking the match to the outside. Tiger Mask eventually used Kid’s frustration against him and won with a German Suplex. Kid kicked out at 3.1. After the match Kid’s frustration continued and got a cheap kick on Tiger Mask. Tiger Mask responded with a kick of his own and the two were read to go again. Both of these wrestlers didn’t use up all their bullets. A feud had then started.

Final Rating - ****¼

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