Saturday, June 13, 2020

Throwback Match Reviews: Jim Duggan vs Ted DiBiase (Mid-South) (03/22/1985)

Jim Duggan vs Ted DiBiase (Mid-South) 03/22/1985

This was a nice little brawl. I had to read up on the history of this match to find out what was going on with the tuxedos. It did not ease my mind at all. This was a blood feud but it looked so ridiculous with both men wearing tuxedos. They looked like high school teachers chaperoning prom. Duggan is the weird history teacher that has no control of his classroom and everyone does what they please and DiBiase is the ex football star at the same school but is now a washed up gym teacher that hits on the female students. They got into the spiked punch bowl and started fighting. It did not fit the intended tone of it all. It was a loser leaves town cage match street fight. I thought I was going to get something visceral. The rest of the match was your typical southern heel/face dynamic with all the possible tropes: blading, gimmicks on a pole, powder thrown in face. Duggan’s punch with the coal miner’s glove was pretty awesome though.

Final Rating - **¾

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