Friday, June 12, 2020

Throwback Match Reviews: Kuniaki Kobayashi vs Tiger Mask II (AJPW) (03/09/1985)

Kuniaki Kobayashi vs Tiger Mask II (AJPW) 03/09/1985

We get the first look in this project at Mitsuharu Misawa under the Tiger Mask gimmick. Kobayashi attacks Tiger Mask as he steps in the ring. They were rivals and it showed through their interactions. The match was pretty straightforward with an established dynamic between both wrestlers. Kobayashi was out-wrestling Tiger Mask. He was constantly one-upping him and escaping and reversing maneuvers. Tiger Mask fought back hard. All of these sequences contributed to their feud.

Tiger Mask’s athleticism was on display here. They played off each other in an organic way. There were only a few spots where they looked like they were thinking too much about their next moves. Other than that the match flowed smoothly. The match ended in a double countout and while I personally do not like it, it adds heat for the feud and subsequent matches. 

Final Rating - ****

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