Saturday, June 20, 2020

Throwback Match Reviews: Jaguar Yokota vs Lioness Asuka (AJW) (08/22/1985)

Jaguar Yokota vs Lioness Asuka (AJW) 08/22/1985

This was an amazing match with excellent performances from both wrestlers. The selling in this match was superb, especially from Asuka. Her selling made the slower periods of the match where she was getting her leg worked over interesting. Yokota was great at selling too. They had an exchange of leg holds for a great portion of the match. It was a back-and-forth battle but with leg holds, it was very unique and well done. The execution of the submission holds was great. The transitions were smooth. The offense was incredible. Both wrestlers showed they are top tier workers. The crowd was hot throughout the entire thing, even during the mat work. That proves that the story they told with the exchanging of holds really paid off. After those exchanges they went into a battle of harder moves like suplexes and powerbombs. Everything looked viscous. The transition from the first portion to this second one was flawless. It made the entire match flow effortlessly.

The one critique that brings this match down for me is how they forgot about the leg work towards the end of the match. Now I’m not usually one of these selling fetishists but there was almost no reincorporation of the leg work. They did bring it back for the finish when Yokota did a sort of leg crusher and then hooked the leg during the german suplex. This saved the match from being any worse. 

Final Rating - ****½

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